Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Boiler Module Kit

Everything (er, almost everything) you ever wanted for the boiler room in one kit. This new kit comes complete with:
  1. Air Remover (with or without flanges) for direct connection to circulators
  2. Swivel Isolation Pump Flange complete with integrated Purge Port.
  3. Residential Boiler Fill Fitting (RBFF).

Each of these items are designed to make installation and initial system fill easier, faster, and trouble free. The new RBFF is a new twist on an old concept. Each RBFF fitting allows for fast and easy isolation of the system expansion tank, a drain valve for easy purging or filling, and a 30 psig pressure gauge for quick and easy check of the system’s current pressure.

3/4" Boiler Module1HP-BHM-7581013752
1" Boiler Module1HP-BHM-10081013745
1 1/4" Boiler Module1HP-BHM-12081013746